This post is a little uncommon for a Mordheim-themed-specialist-games-only-blog. But it was a special request from Tom (the other one), our dutch friend, famous for sculpting the awe inspiring monkey and fellow Mordheim player.
He asked me if he could see my old Eldar army. "Sure!" I said, so here's the post.
I painted this army back when I was playing Warhammer 40.000, so I must have been 15 at the time. Back then I liked to keep my miniatures in dark shades, which explains the very dark look of my Eldars.
I imagined Eldar as an ancient and mysterious race who, in wartime, leads vast yet very silent, skimmering hosts to battle before unleashing a storm of energy upon it's oponents. That drove me in my choice of colours I guess. My army got a dark blue style, reminiscent of a clear midnight sky or a deep silent sea, with little drops of gold, that could symbolize stars or light reflections on the waves. I thought of my small host as a force that would be specialized on nighttime warfare: huge floating tanks and very light infantry troops moving in utter silence, circling their prey like sting-rays or sharks, and striking with one deadly blow.
As a matter of fact, that's how I played them, and this was my only army that has remained undefeated for 8 games in a row! :)
The famous "Wave Serpent" tank is an essential centerpiece of every eldar army. It is both a great firing platform and an armored personel carrier (APC). I particularily liked those 2 skimmering hover tanks, that somhow reminded me of big sharks.
The eldar guardians. Light and fast infantry, led by their "farseer", a powerful psychic.Your army only qualifies as "Eldar" if you own this utterly useless but kick-ass-looking model: "The avatar of the Blood-Handed God"! :)A guardian SeargentAaaah yes! My beloved Banshees... deadly female warriors. I can't remember how many Space-Marine terminators I sliced up with those. Way to go girls!Those are called "Warp Spiders". They can teleport themselves for short distances, enabling them to cross any terrain. Sweet. Sweeter: The Warp Spider leader... Man did I love this model. Isn't he just "kewl"?
The complete army. Say hello boys, before you go back into your box!