Saturday is Mordheim-day.
Hari's amazons and my possessed clashed today. The objective was rather usual: three small fragments of wyrdstone. The only problem was that it was guarded by three fierce stone trolls, who had no intention to relinquish their hoard to puny humans.
Here's the setup:
The middle house with wyrdstone and trolls.
The trolls roam the table, looking for some crispy humans.Hari sets up first. I set up my possies. Now that's informative!Hari's scouts have a special 16" deployment zone . He shrewdly makes use of that by placing his battle-babes on top of a tall building (recently painted, mind you).A huge pink hand sweeps through the sky over Mordheim. Most certainly just another warpstone-generated anomaly.
The possessed make their way through the ruins. Two beastmen and the mutant head for the ramp that leads to the wyrstones. Miiiiiine!They are accompanied by a suited theme-song, played by a nearby bard.
A scout sprints along the bridge.
Hari's warriors, proceed along the footbridge, whilst firing (like mad) at a lone troll.
At the bottom, the priestess and two (frenzied) totem warriors engage another troll in close combat... and beat the crap out of him! I was intrigued, I must say. There goes the first troll. Nice one, Hari! My first possessed sees a troll. Frenzied, as he is, I have no choice but to let him charge (18"!) with a wild roar. I though he had a chance. But the troll proved me wrong. The possessed warband suffered it's first casualty.
The scouts have meanwhile arrived on top of another building. They shoot their bows at the troll who killed my first possessed. Guess what happened?
I went from intrigued, to astonished. Again, nice one Hari.
Apparently I don't learn from my mistakes. My last possessed charges the last remaining troll (What was I thinking?!). A tough fight ensues. Both stay alive with with one "wound" each.
The rest of my warband runs to the possessed's aid, but they arrive only to see him being mashed into a pulp.
But there is justice in Mordheim! The troll that killed my second possesesed charges one of Hari's henchwomen. Needless to say, she can now be easily canned and fed to my cat.
There is even more justice in Mordheim! Hari's scouts take the troll down with one clean shot through his eye (no more "wound regeneration" for YOU mister!)
Look at him. The viennese Trollslayer.
Following my rather heavy losses, I had to take a rout test, which naturally failed. I might add that I lost 5 wounds in total (both possessed) before routing. In that respect those trolls did some serious damage in my ranks. Nevertheless, I had all wyrdstones in my possession at the end of the battle, so I came out richer than I entered. The post battle sequence was OK for both of us. None lost any warriors.
There was a funny little detail though... My first possessed now "hates" trolls :)
Good game, dude.
[EDIT]: Sorry Grex, apparently I wasn't clear. Hari won. I lost, although it is not Hari who defeated me, but the trolls! :)