As requested by Tom (the other one) here's a little guide to how I made the bases for my wood elves.
You will need:
- PVA glue
- Sand flock
Snow flock-
Leaf litter-
Milliput (or any other modelling putty that you are comfortable with)
- Toothpics (for modelling the putty and spreading the glue)
- A good (large) brush
- 3 brown paints
The root (look closely) and the stone I made out out of milliput. Then I flocked with sand, basecoated and drybrushed. Then I added "leaf litter" and finally I applied my self made "snow paste". Tadaaa!
How it's done:
1 - Put some putty on the base.
2 - Sculpt the putty into roots with a toothpick or a needle by drawing longitudinal lines.
3 - With a modelling knife make little transversal "cuts" in the roots to simulate cracks in the bark.
4 and 5 - Spread out some PVA and flock with sand
6 - Basecoat
7 - Drybrush with dark brown (
Marón cuero or
Scorched brown)
8 - Drybrush with light brown (
Uniforme Inglés or
Snakebite Leather)
9 - Drybrush with beige (
Arena Oscura or
Bleached Bone)
10 - Apply leaf litter
11 - Apply "snow paste". Done!
Making snow paste50/50% mix of PVA/Water. Add snow flock until you have a thick paste.