



Friday, 28 December 2007

Treasure Island

Two days ago we played a little friendly (i.e. non-campaign) "treasure hunt" game with Tortiou while we were waiting for some guests. The objective was for the warbands to search every building for "the treasure" which, once found, was to be carried back to a winning zone.

Every time a model enters the first floor of a building that has not been searched, the player rolls 2D6. On a 12 the model has found the treasure while searching the building.

If all the buildings have been searched but one, the treasure is automatically in that last one.

That's a lot of buildings to search.


The Reiks and their elf (aaaargh!) take positions.

The Reiks are still out of arrow range... I am happy... for now.

Great! Finally a photograph that documents the very thing that makes me grind my teeth in helpless agony and drives my cold sweats: Nico's expression when he takes aim at my warband with one of his best marksmen.

The elf fires. And fails to wound. Lucky me...

Two can play at this shooting game. My Crossbowman sends a Reik to the ground.

That's right! I can shoot too! :)

Nico's (new) elf sprints along a bridge...

...and is greeted by a bolt from my captain's crossbow that throws her to the ground.

Nico's troops rush forward... What?!

The impossible became possible that day: Nico actually approached my troops with the clear intention of getting involved in a close combat! I could not believe my eyes, and frankly, was caught completely unprepared.

Unfortunately, we did not have time to finish the game (our guests arrived) to see what would have happened to the poor overwhelmed Witch Hunters. But since I knocked 2 of Nico's models down I was declared "winner" of the game... if there can be such a thing as a winner.

Good game dude!

The ivy house

I found time to complete the building I started a while ago. Here are the pics (courtesy of my friend Tortiou)! I hope you guys like the latest addition to our Mordheim table.


Sunday, 23 December 2007

New Favicons

Hi everyone!

I have good news: Tom's Boring Mordheim Blog and Tom's Boring Mordheim Forum have just recieved a little yet important improvement.

We now have "favicons"! What's that?

Favicons are the little icons displayed in your bookmarks dropdown menu and on top of the tabs in your browser. The purpose is t0 make the site stick out from all the others that use the regular "white sheet" icon.

So if you want to make your Tom's Boring Mordheim Blog and Tom's Boring Mordheim Forum bookmark look better and stick out from the background of your favourites, you might want to re-bookmark it! (delete the old bookmark first).

I did :)

Merry Xmas everyone!
Admin Tom

Saturday, 15 December 2007

The night Santa went crazy...

Hi guys!

The christmas holidays have arrived! I am leaving the UK for home (Vienna) this sunday (16.12.07) for 3 weeks.

Have a merry Xmas and a happy new year!

I'll see you all in 2008!


Monday, 3 December 2007

Late autumn bases

As requested by Tom (the other one) here's a little guide to how I made the bases for my wood elves.

You will need:

- PVA glue
- Sand flock
- Snow flock
- Leaf litter
- Milliput (or any other modelling putty that you are comfortable with)
- Toothpics (for modelling the putty and spreading the glue)
- A good (large) brush
- 3 brown paints

The root (look closely) and the stone I made out out of milliput. Then I flocked with sand, basecoated and drybrushed. Then I added "leaf litter" and finally I applied my self made "snow paste". Tadaaa!

How it's done:
1 - Put some putty on the base.

2 - Sculpt the putty into roots with a toothpick or a needle by drawing longitudinal lines.

3 - With a modelling knife make little transversal "cuts" in the roots to simulate cracks in the bark.

4 and 5 - Spread out some PVA and flock with sand

6 - Basecoat

7 - Drybrush with dark brown (Marón cuero or Scorched brown)

8 - Drybrush with light brown (Uniforme Inglés or Snakebite Leather)

9 - Drybrush with beige (Arena Oscura or Bleached Bone)

10 - Apply leaf litter

11 - Apply "snow paste". Done!

Making snow paste
50/50% mix of PVA/Water. Add snow flock until you have a thick paste.

Woidöhfen (go woodies, go!)

Hi everyone!

It's been a long time since I have had time to wield the brush and even a longer time since I have posted something.

This week-end I finished most of my work so I was able to spend a little time on painting and modelling... the good stuff! Let me tell you, it feels very good to do some painting again.

I went a little crazy a month ago and bought some wood elf miniatures at the local games workshop because... well, because the "new" miniatures look awesome, because I have always loved wood elves and because I could not resist anymore. However these guys had to remain unasembled in a a drawer because I simply did not have time to even cut them out of their sprues.

That's a LOT of wood elves to assemble, paint and base.

This has now changed and after weeks and weeks of pondering and reflecting upon the colour scheme to adopt, I am finally proud to be able to show you first pics of work in progress.

Tell me what you think!

That's all I have for the moment (2 days work), but there is more to come.

I was torn between an "autumn" and a "winter" style army. The only thing I knew was that I did not want a standard "green" army. But what to chose? I wanted dead leaves but I also wanted snow... So I went for "late fall" and made bases that had both: dead leaves AND snow :)