



Monday, 3 December 2007

Late autumn bases

As requested by Tom (the other one) here's a little guide to how I made the bases for my wood elves.

You will need:

- PVA glue
- Sand flock
- Snow flock
- Leaf litter
- Milliput (or any other modelling putty that you are comfortable with)
- Toothpics (for modelling the putty and spreading the glue)
- A good (large) brush
- 3 brown paints

The root (look closely) and the stone I made out out of milliput. Then I flocked with sand, basecoated and drybrushed. Then I added "leaf litter" and finally I applied my self made "snow paste". Tadaaa!

How it's done:
1 - Put some putty on the base.

2 - Sculpt the putty into roots with a toothpick or a needle by drawing longitudinal lines.

3 - With a modelling knife make little transversal "cuts" in the roots to simulate cracks in the bark.

4 and 5 - Spread out some PVA and flock with sand

6 - Basecoat

7 - Drybrush with dark brown (Marón cuero or Scorched brown)

8 - Drybrush with light brown (Uniforme Inglés or Snakebite Leather)

9 - Drybrush with beige (Arena Oscura or Bleached Bone)

10 - Apply leaf litter

11 - Apply "snow paste". Done!

Making snow paste
50/50% mix of PVA/Water. Add snow flock until you have a thick paste.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for making it :D .. I really like Autumn style so they will be added on my bases thank you very much..


Anonymous said...

hello! Juste un petit message de félicitifitations pour ce magnifique blog! Très bonne qualité, commentaires amusants et pertinents, les tables et les bandes sont superbes, en bref que du bon!

Excellente continuation


(ps: tu m'en voudras pas, j'ai fait une petite pub pour ton blog sur le warfo "" section mordheim. Ces photos ne PEUVENT PAS rester secrètes ;D)

Thomas said...

Merci beaucoup Kaern!

Je ne t'en veux absolument pas pour la petite pub, bien au contraire!

À bientôt j'espère,