Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Speedpainting Space Marines #6 - Tactical Squad
I wanted to have my flamethrowers (1) stand out as such (2) look like half-plausible weapons and not like super soakers.
So I devised these thingies that look somewhat like gas canisters, and added a little bit of greenstuff that looks like tubes feeding the flame-gun with flammable liquid.
Labels: Space Marines
Monday, 28 December 2009
Speedpainting Space Marines #5 - Predator Tank (WIP)
Hey guys!
I hope you had nice holidays. Here are some pics of my predator tank. I decided to go for the max-out on lascannons option, to make him as big a threat as possible to ennemy armour (this made the most sense to an utter 40K noob like me).
It does come in cheaper than a devastator squad and he can move and shoot, which should be a plus.
Why WIP? Because the lights are still missing.
Labels: Space Marines
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Speedpainting Space Marines #4 - Terminators
Merry Christmas & happy holidays everyone!
Okay, so here's my last post before Christmas, but there will be plenty more after, so keep checking back!
What could be more fitting for Christmas than a bunch of big fat Space Marine Terminators? Okay, admittedly, almost anything would be more fitting, but the point is that here are some pics of my assault terminator squad + captain in power armour, and I hope you guys will like them.
If there is sufficient demand, I will upload the banner files (.jpeg) that I made for my chapter, so that those of you interested in having their own marines join my chapter can print them out and do so if they wish. The more the merrier!
Labels: Space Marines
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Monday, 21 December 2009
Speedpainting Space Marines #1 - Scouts
Here is the first post out of about 10, in whichI will show you my progress through my "Space Marines Speedpainting" project. The idea is to re-paint my old Space Marines Army (roughly 2500 pts) to tabletop quality.
Today: Scouts!
Labels: Space Marines
Sunday, 20 December 2009
The Space Marine Revival
- be anything BUT dark green
- have weathered armour: I have always wanted to try that :)
- ideally be a custom chapter of my own making (i.e. NOT Dark Angels)
- be based in a way to suggest an environment unlike any of my other armies
- above all be QUICK to paint, since I have very little time
- GW Dark Flesh
- Brush GW Dark Flesh + VMC Amarillo mate, increasing Amarillo Mate as you go
- Add a little VMC Arena Oscura to the above mix and drybrush lightly to accentuate
- Paint with boltgun metal (that's right, paint, not drybrush)
- Apply heavy GW Devlan Mud wash
- VMC U.S. dark green highlighted with VGC Camouflage Green
- VMC Dark Flesh + Brown (GW Graveyard Earth or VMC Tierra Mate)
- Add increasing amounts of VMC Dark Flesh
- Wash GW Devlan Mud
- Again VMC Dark Flesh
- VMC Dark Flesh + VMC Basic Skintone
- Spray Black
- Basecoat VMC Tierra Mate + 30% VMC Orange Brown
- Drybrush with above mix adding increasin amounts of VMC Arena Oscura
- Drybrush pure VMC Arena Oscura
- Wash recesses with VMC Orange Brown
- Weathering armour (chipped paint) with VMC Tierra Mate + Black.

Labels: Space Marines